Monday, July 9, 2018

Children and humor: how can you reach your child with a laugh

Neuroatypical children can enjoy a good laugh too.

Playing with our children, approaching them, and laughing with them helps us to strengthen the parent-child relationship and discover aspects that we would never have imagined. Practicing laughter therapy is a good way to communicate, it’s also simple and has many benefits.

When we perform a session of laughter therapy, we experience a strong dose of endorphins that relax the muscles and even help us to leave shyness behind.
Endorphins are substances that our body produces naturally and that provides a well-being sensation. The production of endorphins isn’t continuous, you have to stimulate it; so doing a couple of laugh therapy sessions is a good idea.

Lately, with these busy lifestyles, we forget to share time with the family, to make time to play with them. Sometimes we should disconnect our children from the internet, from those electronic games, and from television; we should encourage them to spend more time with the family, to talk, to play games, to communicate.

Organize a family laugh therapy session

Invite grandparents, uncles, cousins. The more participants, more fun!

-Start making a nice invitation created by yourself.
-Condition any room in the house, clear of any objects, a free area.
-Use comfortable, light clothes, in which you can be able to jump to the ground freely and have the time of your life no worrying about spoiling it.

Laughter therapy session

"Crazy face, crazy laugh."

Play games like inventing a character and change each participant’s personality. Introduce yourself and then start with the game round.

Everyone can be placed in a circle, and the one who starts the game shows to the one on his right the craziest face that comes to mind, and this one next door and so on. One by one will make your face crazier and, believe us, the laughter is assured.


At the end of the session of laughter therapy, we will be seized by an enormous sense of peace, affection, and relaxation in our family. Adults are children once again, and the kids show themselves as they are, without any embarrassment. The results are amazing.
The power of laughter therapy can achieve wonders for these children.

Facebook: Autism Soccer
Instagram: Autism Soccer

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