Friday, August 10, 2018

The Correct Behavior that Parents of Children With Autism Should Have

Often, parents are the only ones subjected to behavior modification processes, which are provided by children, whether they have autism or not.
The children modify their parents’ behavior, and not the other way around, as is usually thought. Yes, as you read. It often happens that parents are the only ones subjected to behavior modification processes, which are provided by children, whether they have autism or not.

In this article, we explain everything about it. Keep on reading!

Autism and parents: behavior
Not everyone has the knowledge, the disposition, the time, the patience, or all the skills that are necessary for the learning process of a child with autism. And if nobody explains anything to you, nobody advises you, and no one guides you, there are many chances that you’ll be making several mistakes.

In many cases, the children have perfect control of their house. They do what they want, get away with it, and they can do things that other children are not allowed to. The main reason for this is the autism. We can’t forget that the children with autism are, above all, children; therefore, they will do the things that children usually do.

The misbehaviors of the children with autism are encouraged, or awarded, or allowed, or excused since the child has autism. The result: the child has no limits, no discipline, and learns to get what he wants, when he wants, and in an inappropriate way.
How to prevent our son from modifying our behavior?
We must be very clear about what behaviors we want to eliminate, and to what point we have encouraged them. This is something to consider: we could be the ones encouraging these behaviors, without realizing it.

  • Don't give in to requests out of place.
  • Don’t turn the child into the center of attention.
  • Ensure that the child understands what you want him to do.
  • Be tenacious and coherent. Nothing is worse than not allowing something today but accepting it tomorrow.
  • Teamwork and constant communication with the therapist or school. Establish the same guidelines and limits in all contexts of the child's life.

It’s important to avoid being managed by the children, this will lead us to very complex situations. Controlling the behavior of children with ASD is not easy, but that doesn’t mean it’s impossible; having professionals who support and advise us is always a great help. But don’t forget that a teacher or therapist only spends a couple hours with our child, while we parents are with them all the time; we must strive to educate and establish a good relationship with them. This will result in a good quality of life in the family.

There are many techniques to handle these situations, but we must keep in mind that each child is a world, so a little creativity and analysis will come in hand to manage their character and help them to have good behavior.

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Instagram: Autism Soccer

Wednesday, August 8, 2018

Autism and Bad Behavior

Any behavior has a reason for being. A child with ASD may use bad behavior as a means of communication because he does not understand what is happening or to express his frustration when things are not as he expects or wishes.
We know that the misbehavior of our children can become stressful and frustrating when we don’t know why these attitudes are present. Whether it is a child with ASD or not, bad behavior is something that parents and teachers must take into account to seek solutions.

In today's article, we give you a list of ideas and advice regarding the behavior problems of your son or daughter, or one of your students. The vast majority apply to any child, whether or not they have an ASD.

How to deal with the child’s behavior
We know that sometimes bad behavior in our children can become a headache. The objective is not to spoil them but to teach them to handle different situations and to control their impulses. With this list, you can have a little more guidance when facing a behavior situation with your child.

  • Frequent behavior: any behavior has a reason to be. A child with ASD may use bad behavior to communicate that he doesn’t understand what’s happening or how to express his frustration when things aren’t as he expects. So pay attention to what might be happening.

  • Bad behavior isn’t removed with bad compression: we have to learn to respond to these bad attitudes, to act calm and not to react in a bad way, this could increase the anger. The idea is to teach him to change that behavior for another that is acceptable.

  • Wait for him to calm down: don’t try to impose discipline or correct him when he’s angry, distracted, overstimulated, locked up, anxious or in any other emotional state where his instability at that moment prevents him from interacting with you.

  • Be positive: instead of telling him what he doesn’t have to do, tell him what he has to do. Reinforce when he has done something right. Use a positive language that encourages the child to keep on acting well.

  • Practice with him: all children need to repeat an activity until it’s incorporated into their daily life. A child with an ASD may need more time and more repetitions. It’s better to practice in a quiet environment and, when he has mastered it, provide some variations to expand this learning.

  • Explain: it’s easier for any child to do something if he understands the reasons. If you ask him to behave in a certain way because it is the best for his safety and for his health, correctly tell him at an appropriate level for his age and personal characteristics.

  • Sensory problems: investigate if there is a sensory problem. A common reason for the bad behavior is feeling discomfort for some sensory input, whether visual, auditory, tactile or otherwise.

  • Search for good partners: teachers, therapists, and pediatricians sometimes have good ideas that they have been able to prove in their work. Exchange information with them, try some of those things.  

  • Exercise: physical activity is an excellent way to stabilize mental processes and to teach self-control. Team sports that require good coordination, skills, and social interactions can help you reduce stress. At Autism Soccer, we would be happy to talk to you and help you by providing some ideas and techniques to handle these situations.

Start paying attention and identify the circumstances in which a bad behavior appears, any information that helps you to correct it is important. One of the great ideas that exist for good development in the behavior, health, and abilities of your child, is the sports.

Autism Soccer has programs for the development of your child.
Contact us for more information!

Educating a child with ASD requires time, effort, and flexibility.

Facebook: Autism Soccer
Instagram: Autism Soccer

Monday, August 6, 2018

Autism: Social Disability?

From the point of view of the acceptance of the majority group, the person with autism or Asperger is bordered, it is not understood that it should be accepted in the group, given its difficulty for this interaction.
Every day more people refer to autism spectrum disorders (ASD) as social disabilities, and it indeed has a lot of social components. We are not talking about a matter of physical health, but about a social health one. One of the most significant problems that the person with ASD faces is the social exclusion at all levels, which in many cases also affects the family.

This exclusion generates a series of problems. The society in which the person with ASD must develop is usually not prepared for the social inclusion of such a “novel” concept of diversity.

Is autism a social disability?
Initially, the term “social disability” was attributed to people who were at risk of social exclusion because of poverty or race. In the case of people with autism, it’s the difficulty to establish channels of social interaction according to the accepted cultural norm of the environment in which the person lives.

The person with autism is ruled, it’s not understood that it should be accepted in the group, because of its difficulty for this interaction. The social group is simply inaccessible to those who present a minimum degree of difficulty. Therefore, the “disability” of the person isn’t something attributable to it, but rather a social imposition.

This social exclusion can affect not only the person with ASD but also their family members. Most people with ASD don’t have problems of mobility or health, but they do have deficiencies in the communication aspects of social management. Gaps that can be improved if the person has access to the media and to society, which generates an interaction that could help them integrate with their peers.
Although there’s much talk about inclusive education, the reality is that it doesn’t exist. It’s not the education the one that should be inclusive, but the society. Technicians, specialists, relatives, and affected people see with despair how the future of these people is obscured by the lack of consideration and inclusion.

Autism spectrum disorders aren’t known, they aren’t understood; thus they aren’t contemplated. This situation entails the elimination of the identity of the person with ASD.

More inclusion, less rejection!

Autism itself can't define a person, the use of the attribute as a social conditioner entails the impulse of exclusion, and of the social rarity.

Facebook: Autism Soccer
Instagram: Autism Soccer

Friday, August 3, 2018

Educational Strategies for Children with Autism

Some types of ASD involve a certain degree of intellectual deficiency. On the other hand, it's usual for those affected by the Asperger's syndrome to have an IQ higher than the average.
Autism is a disorder of a biological origin and a genetic component that qualitatively affects various psychological functions such as social interaction, verbal and nonverbal communication, symbolization and imagination, rigid, inflexible and stereotyped modes of behavior, and restricted and obsessive interests.

Some types of ASD involve a certain level of intellectual deficiency; meanwhile, on the other hand, it’s usual for those affected by the type of autism known as Asperger's syndrome to have an IQ higher than the average.

Autism and education
Establishing an educational strategy for students diagnosed with ASD is difficult because of the existence of differences in the level of intelligence, capacity, and potential of the children. The most advisable one, said by experts, is that the children carry out their education in an ordinary classroom.

Boys and girls with autism are part of the group of students with special educational needs and will always present problems in some specific areas, whether it's in a greater or lesser level.

Problems of social interaction

  • Isolation and lack of social and affective contact with people.
  • Category of empathy and inability to express their own feelings.
  • Alterations of behavior, repetitive or disruptive behavior.
  • Cognitive disorders.
  • Deficit in communication and language (verbal and non-verbal).
  • Motor problems, with great variations between one case and another. Movement and coordination issues are observed.

These problems require specific educational needs in which the main objective is to alleviate, strengthen, and improve as far as possible the alterations in the cognitive, intellectual, and social level of these students.

The general objectives of educational strategies in autistic children should have the following goals:

  • Power the autonomy and personal independence of the child.
  • Develop self-control of their behavior and their adaptation to the environment.
  • Improve the social skills of students, promoting their ability to develop in the environment and understanding and monitoring of norms, keys, and social and emotional conventions.
  • Develop functional, spontaneous, and generalized communication strategies.
  • To promote communicative intention and reciprocity in communication.
  • Develop basic cognitive processes.

The activities focused on autistic children in each of the strategies must be very functional, organized, and structured. Clear and simple.

For the activities, visual supports like drawings, photos, and posters are very useful in autistic children as not only a reminder but also a motivational reinforcement of daily actions and tasks.

The experts consider that the most beneficial thing for these children, except for the most severe cases, is that they carry out their education in the ordinary classroom.

Facebook: Autism Soccer
Instagram: Autism Soccer

Thursday, August 2, 2018

¿Cómo enfrentar las conductas disruptivas?

Las conductas disruptivas pueden presentarse en cualquier momento. 

Para los padres de niños con autismo, el camino a transitar a lo largo de la vida de sus hijos puede ser tan complejo como gratificante; el autismo es una condición que hay que tomar con paciencia y con mucho cariño. Una de las situaciones más complejas para los padres de niños con autismo es la de enfrentar las conductas disruptivas que pueden presentarse en cualquier momento.

Muchos padres aún no saben cómo manejar estas situaciones, y es precisamente para ellos que hoy presentamos este artículo sobre cómo enfrentar las conductas disruptivas. ¡Continúa leyendo!

¿Qué son las conductas disruptivas?

Las conductas disruptivas son todas las conductas que involucran agresiones, actitudes desafiantes y autoagresiones. Lamentablemente, forman parte del cuadro de conducta de los niños con autismo, siendo más frecuentes de lo que se cree; sin embargo, puede manifestarse con mayor intensidad en algunos niños.

Es importante resaltar que estas conductas no son exclusivas de la naturaleza de una persona con autismo, sino de la mayoría de los niños. En este sentido, el verdadero reto no está en prevenir las conductas, sino en saber lidiar con ellas cuando se presenten.

¿Qué debes hacer en caso de una conducta disruptiva?

Si tu hijo presenta algún tipo de conducta disruptiva es necesario que sepas hacer frente a ello. A continuación te diremos cómo hacer frente a estas conductas:
  • Ante conductas como gritos y rabietas es recomendable ignorar al niño. Al no tener la atención que busca, renunciará a su “berrinche”.
  • Aplicar conductas correctivas como la hipercorrección, que consiste en realizar una acción determinada en respuesta a una conducta negativa. Por ejemplo, si el niño desordena sus juguetes, la hipercorrección será hacer que los organice nuevamente.
  • Una de las técnicas más empleadas en caso de conductas disruptivas es la del “tiempo fuera”. Consiste en alejar al niño del estímulo que lo hace asumir la conducta negativa y terminar el tiempo dedicado al estímulo.

Estas son sólo tres de las distintas formas de enfrentar conductas disruptivas, pero son esenciales para los padres a la hora de lidiar con esos momentos en los que los hijos se salen de control. Es importante que los métodos empleados nunca involucren violencia; y que, en caso de presentarse casos extremos, se busque de inmediato ayuda profesional. En Autism Soccer continuaremos brindándote, a través de nuestras redes sociales, información sobre el autismo y las curiosidades que debes conocer para comprender mejor esta condición. ¡Síguenos!
Como padre, debes saber qué hacer ante una situación disruptiva.

Facebook: Autism Soccer
Instagram: Autism Soccer