Monday, March 12, 2018

Theory of Mind: How Autistic Minds Work


The Theory of Mind refers to the ability that people have to put themselves in the place of another person. This ability allows people to understand what others feel, perceive, think, desire or believe. Children from about age 4 start developing this ability. At this age, kids can understand other people’s thoughts, intentions, and desires that determine the way in which they behave. They are, as well, able to recognize that people differ in their thoughts and intentions and that these differences influence in behavior.

Although many autistic individuals present difficulties when developing this ability, they can successfully work to improve their empathy and try to put themselves in the place of others. This theory has been tested in non-autistic as well as autistic children, and according to, the Theory of Mind phenomenon appears to be unique to those with autism. Also, this theory seems not to be related to a person's intelligence, though people with Asperger’s syndrome have revealed this problem to a lesser degree.

Due to this phenomenon, many autistic individuals show certain social and communication problems. They have a hard time understanding that people think different. Also, they may not be able to anticipate what others will say or do in different situations.

There are several methods used to help autistic children and adults develop empathy and improve the way they relate to others. One of these methods is an intervention called ‘social stories,’ which describe different scenarios which allow autistic people understand themselves and others much better. These stories are meant to motivate them to ask questions about other people and their surroundings and to help them recognize that others think in unique ways.

If you want to know more about ASD and all information related, be sure to keep an eye on our social media networks and blog! Autism Soccer is a project created to help autistic children develop in a safe environment with people ready to help. If you want to enroll your child, check the information at the end of this entry!


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