Thursday, February 23, 2017

Fruits Your Child Needs to Eat Now

Fruits are nutritious, Offer them a healthy snack.

There’s an old saying that’s been used for more than a century that goes like this: “An apple a day, keeps the doctor away”. To take it literally would be a mistake; the actual interpretation is that eating fruits in a daily basis can boost your health (you still need to check yourself with a doctor!). Fruits are fundamental because of the amount of benefits they give, without adding fat or damaging your system. Since they come in many different types, each fruit has its own set of characteristics.

Another thing about fruits that never fails: most of the children love them! Their taste is exquisite, and it’s very difficult that your children would not enjoy eating them. But since we are talking about special needs children, then you have to be on the lookout for possible effects of fruits on their system. Here’s a list of recommended fruits that your child needs to eat now:

  • Apple: The best example of a healthy fruit, apples fight off cholesterol making your child’s arteries free of them. Apples also strengthen their immune system, making them better prepared to be outdoors.
  • Watermelon: 92% percent of watermelon consist of water, but that’s not all, this fruit is filled with nutrients. With antioxidants, amino acids and vitamins A, B6 and C. Also, kids love this fruit in juices, so there won’t be a problem in eating it.
  • Pineapple: This tropical fruit is well known for its distinctive flavor, but it also has some incredible nutritional values. To start, it boost their immune system. They also have a good amount of manganese, which strengthen bones and helps in their recovery.
  • Tomato: Their benefits go from good stomach health, reduced blood pressure, increasing digestion, reduce cholesterol levels and improve fluid balance. This could be more difficult for your children since it’s not that sweet, but incorporating it with salads or when cooking can make your children take advantage from its benefits.
There are much more fruits your kid can eat and boost their growth while protecting them from diseases, the ones I listed are orientated mostly on the immune system and the growth of children, which are essential in this stage of his life. It’s not all about eating fruits though, remember they need to exercise as well. Make sure you call the people from Autism Soccer, to get all that energy flowing and in use.

When you feed your child with fruits, they will have more energy and feel more inclined to eat natural meals.

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