Thursday, February 2, 2017

How to Explain Special Conditions to Other Parents

For parents of a child with special needs, one of the hardest things to do is explaining their child's condition to other parents. This happens because of many things that might interfere with the perception that others have regarding the situation of these children. It’s important for other people to understand how the condition not only affects the child but also everyone around them in the close environment of their home, as well as their community. To take the charge of that fact and assume the role of their child's advocate is hard work.

These children rarely have the chance to show others how they feel and what makes their condition different, that’s why for their parents explaining the situation to other parents it’s important. Why? It often sets the behavior of these special kids, as adults explain to them how they are unique and should be respected. It also helps them showcase their children in the best light, not making them the target of jokes, but instead, a learning experience for others. Parenting, in this case, is vital, as it makes the difference between a well-adapted kid with a special condition and a child that’s bullied and it’s not a part of the environment in the activities outside their home.

Here you have some advice on how to make explanations easier for parents of children with special needs:

Be positive: Let others know that although their condition is a challenge some days, you take it as a great experience and a unique moment in your life. That positivity sets their behavior towards your child in a better way.
Explain it simply: Yes, your child might have a thousand little medical conditions, but for parents that are not well-versed in the medical terminology, the simple explanation works better to make them understand your child.
Portray them in a good light: Once again, the way you talk about your child's condition is going to be the main factor that other people are going to consider when processing that information. Talk about your child in a good way, and good reactions will come.
Be proactive: When explaining what your child goes through, make sure to set them into action. Whether by inviting them to a talk if they show special interest, or introducing them to your child. Remember that you are their advocate!
Shake away the fear: Feeling guilt, remorse, failure, and such emotions might come to a parent of a child with special needs, but don’t let that stop you from showing others the wonders of your child. Don’t be afraid, the world is harsh but you can accomplish everything with a good attitude.
Show correct behaviors: Some children react strongly to other people, so when you are explaining their condition to other parents, it's a good idea to tell them about behaviors that are correct when it comes to interacting with your child.

What are you doing to let other parents know how you feel when it comes to your child? Remember that you are their first line of defense against the world and with your help, they can happily be a part of it. Some organizations bring together parents as well as children, helping kids reach out to others in similar conditions by sharing their unique stories. One of those is Autism Soccer, an organization that’s inclusive for both adults and children. Visit their website to know more about their initiative!

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