Monday, May 1, 2017

4 Tools To Improve Their Concentration

Try these tools to help your children in the development of their skills, the effects will be noticeable.

The first skills children learn in the process of growing up are the most important ones in their lives, these are crucial for the following steps they’ll be taking in life. Imagine a building without strong foundations, there’s no possible way for it to stand for long. The same concept applies for children, and even more in the case of Autistic children.

One thing about special needs children is that they have certain difficulties in the development of communicative skills, and this affects their process of adaptation in environments that require social interaction. You can help your children out by teaching them to play certain complex games or how to solve certain problems, don’t believe when people say that autistic children “can’t play this or that”, they’re capable of almost anything if they are interested in the activity itself.

With the following tools, you’ll have your children ready to further develop their skills and have solid foundations for their future:

  • Responsibilities: Create the habit of doing certain activities throughout the day in them, responsibilities like cleaning their room, organizing things or helping in the kitchen. Be sure to monitor their activities to avoid any possible accident and in no time you’ll see how they start accepting and getting used to those tasks.
  • Play “beat the clock”: Increase their focus by setting them a specific amount of time for each activity they do. Be aware that it might not be easy at first, but with some practice, they’ll be able to beat the timer and carry out tasks faster.
  • Sorting activities: A great way to teach your children to be organized and improve their focus is teaching them to sort things following different criteria. Sorting also develops early math skills in children, as they start to count unconsciously while adding and subtracting items.
  • Chess: this is a very complex game to learn and even more to master, for both autistic and non-autistic children. Chess is a game that requires a lot of thinking and planning in order to understand the mechanics, but once your children get the hang of it, their concentration skills and memory will improve. Chess serves as an excellent tool for special needs children.
The concentration of children with autism is very high to begin with, they have a good sense of focus when it comes down to making tasks step by step. Like I said, be sure to check on them every now and then to keep control of the progress they’re making. There is a definitive tool out there to help them out in their growth and that is the Autism Soccer initiative: a soccer team with an environment made just for them. Check their website and donate! All contributions help.
Children in early stages of growth are the ones that need all the support and tools you can give.

Facebook: Autism Soccer
Instagram: Autism Soccer

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