Monday, March 6, 2017

Relaxing Methods for You and Your Children

If you feel like losing it, breathe and calm down, wait for your head to cool off.

Hanging out with your children can be a good experience for both you and your kids, but sometimes things can go out of your hands when your children lose their temper and then all of you are angry about it. You know your children behave that way because of their condition, but knowing is not enough to control your temper sometimes. You need to work on your patience and learn to transform all that stress into calmness. There are some things I encourage you to try at home, make your children join and experience them as well!

Breathing: Lay down in a calm place without shoes, put some relaxing music, set the temperature or just let the outside air fill the room. Make a couple of abdominal deep breaths before starting, to do it you must start by inhaling from the nose with one hand in the stomach, making it look like the stomach is filling. Do this process until you’re almost full or air, then expel it softly for 3 seconds. Tell your children to imagine a balloon being filled with air when breathing in, and to relax while doing so. Repeat this process as long as you find it necessary.

Go For a Run: A good way to release some stress is jogging with your children in the mornings. It’s the best and easiest trick to distract your mind while having fun with your children. Don’t overdo it! Go as far as possible and be aware of how much can your children stand. Of course, it’s not necessary to run all the way, a long walk can have the same effect.

Read a Book: This shouldn’t take much of your time, find a book suitable for your children and yourself (like short and easy-to-read novels) and read together. By reading, your mind focuses on what’s happening on the book and relaxes. This also helps in the communication between your children and you; you’ll comment on each other, parts of the book and enjoy the ideas on how it will end.

There are more methods to release stress, but these are the easiest and they don’t take too much time to accomplish. In the end you end up winning a relaxing technique and relaxed children who’ll love you even more. If you’re having a hard time in finding more ideas or want your children to do something different, try contacting with the people of Autism Soccer, they’ll keep your children busy and entertained for you.

Remind them how much you care for them, show how  much you love them.

Facebook: Autism Soccer
Instagram: Autism Soccer

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