Tuesday, January 31, 2017

Children’s Games: How to Make Exercise Fun

Create routines that feel like games for your children.

Children need to get sufficient exercise time per day in order to help their bodies develop and grow healthily. It boosts their self-esteem while also making happy hormones flow through their bodies, improving their mood and regulating their energy levels, helping them burn all that extra bit that gets them on edge when they are spending too much time without activity. But sometimes, getting them involved in said exercise takes more than just the experience of it. That’s why I would like to suggest some activities to make it fun for them.

How to make it fun?
For children, games are the ways of getting the most fun out of their normal experiences. That’s why helping them feel the joy of exercise is vital for them to create that healthy habits, and to see physical activity as an opportunity to have fun. For children, it’s vital to create routines that are both creatively exciting and interesting in order to make it a part of their daily lives.

Create games with it: Turning physical activity into games is part of what makes gymnastics fun for children. When you want to take those ideas into your home, use your creativity to transform a normal routine into a pirate game, or a scavenger hunt. Turn it into an exciting activity.

Put on some music: Music it’s great to make people want to move. Incorporate music into sports or exercise and you’ll see how your child will feel more comfortable right away. Make sure it is to his liking and set it the volume so that you can speak with each other comfortably.

Bring friends into the game: Making it an activity for a group of children is also a great way to make it comfortable for them. It also creates a sense of community that you would rarely achieve without games in the mix.

Make it a family event: Bring the rest of the members of the family into the mix. Why? This makes for a great activity to cement bonds between the members of a household, while also helping them reach a better health.

Use a dance-off: Dancing it’s a great way to do exercise. If you use music that has a great beat, you can coordinate movements to stretch and do physical activity in a fun way.

When you are the parent of a child with special needs, you have to think of ways to make their activities fun. It’s important to generate the necessary interest in them for the physical exercise to turn into a part of their day to day routine. One of those alternatives is Autism Soccer, a great option for creating a lasting bond with sports in a fun and unique way for children. Contact them now and see how you can participate with them!
Exercise doesn't have to be painful for children.

Facebook: Autism Soccer
Instagram: Autism Soccer
Twitter: Autism Soccer

Monday, January 30, 2017

What is Autism Awareness?

Autism is a condition that has different important lessons to teach for parents and children.

April 2nd is one of the most important days for the people within the Autistic Spectrum, as it sets in motion the Autism Awareness Month all over the world. These days are vital for the people who live with this condition who want to spread the knowledge of the branches and limitations of said condition with the people they interact with, as well as with the general public. Why is this important? Well, in most situation, autistics people doesn’t show the symptoms of his condition as well as others, and they want the world to understand that intrusion in their personal space can be very uncomfortable for them or even trigger behaviors that can cause them distress. Also, they want people to understand this condition is not a limitation for their everyday life, growth, and love, and that they deserve the same loving comprehension they offer others.

What happens during Autism Awareness Month?
During this month, non-governmental organizations that work with people in the autistic spectrum kickstart activities to bond families of patients with others, as well as to create the sense of community that works in benefit of the situations that these people live in. During this period of the year, it’s normal to see rallies, benefit events such as games, fundraisers, and even walks that allow them to raise funding to help organizations that work with people in these conditions.

Some of the events that occur during this month are:
  • Bake sales (with products prepared for the needs and limitations of autistic spectrum diet).
  • Seminars about the autistic condition.
  • Public talks.
  • Sales of thematic t-shirts (to raise funds and create awareness).
  • Rallies.

Be a part of these wonderful events in your community and work with the organizations to create awareness and generate the necessary drive to make people in the autistic spectrum feel welcomed and loved! If you want more direct participation, head out to Autism Soccer, as they can show you alternatives to participate in fun events that will help raise awareness. Contact them and see how you can be a part of this wonderful cause!
It's important for all people to understand autism, and this is the ideal time to learn about it. 

Autism Soccer
Instagram: Autism Soccer
Twitter: Autism Soccer

Friday, January 27, 2017

Peer Pressure: How to Teach your Children to be Themselves

Children often feel pressured by classmates or peers in general to do things they don't want to do.

Teaching children how to face the challenges in their lives is not an easy feat. In fact, one of the concerns for parents, when their kids are in school-age, is how to teach their small children to deal with the pressure that other’s can put on them to do certain things. Although it’s less than obvious, kids mostly look for ways to contact and feel a sense of belonging in their classrooms. Doing the same thing as the others can lead to friendship, but in some cases, the complying nature of children can make them prone to be victims of peer pressure.

This can happen for a variety of reasons when it comes to what we know as bad behavior: it can go from simply skipping a classroom activity, to bullying other children as a result of being pressured by others kids with the promise to be accepted in a group. As you can see, there is a wide range of situations in which a child might feel compelled to bend to the will of a group, whether by fear or simply to feel like he belongs to something. What can you do to help him avoid these situations? The reality is that you are not with your child 24/7, and there’s no realistic way of pulling him out of these situations if it's not by dropping the child out from the normal school system and homeschooling him. For some parents, this might sound like a viable, however radical way of helping your child cope with peer pressure, but there are some other ways in which you can help him stand out by himself and avoid being pressured into doing things he doesn’t want to do.

For example, the group of children that play with your child wants to do something bad, like bullying another child. What will your kid do in this situation? This is when the education you give him will kicks in. Some will jump right into the action without thinking twice about it, guided by the mentality of bending to peer pressure. However, an assertive child will recognize the mistake in the behavior, and will more likely react against it, whether by looking for ways to deter the others from doing harm, or getting an adult involved in the situation to prevent it from escalating from that.

Here are a few simple ways to avoid peer pressure that you can teach your child:
  • Let him be assertive.
  • Show him the importance of saying “NO”.
  • Make him walk away from situations they don’t feel comfortable.
  • Instill the feeling of responsibility and liability in their actions.
  • Ask him to contact other adults if he sees something strange.
  • Let him know that it’s ok to be selective with friendships.

Teach your child to stand out and defend himself, as this is going to help him understand the situation in other people’s shoes and he’ll be more than willing to defend and stand up against peer pressure. One way to make him connect with other children in different environments is Autism Soccer. The fact that this organization reunites children with different special needs, makes it the perfect place to share and relate with others outside of school, helping your child form a strong and assertive personality with the help of sports.
Letting children know how important it is for them to be unique and true to themselves.

Facebook: Autism Soccer
Instagram: Autism Soccer
Twitter: Autism Soccer

Thursday, January 26, 2017

The Importance of Charity Work for Children

Teaching children how to be giving, helps develop their character.

Charity work is important for people, as it helps them connect with the needs of others in a whole different dimension. In fact, most of the volunteers of charity organizations can resume this work into a phrase that will be similar in most cases: “It’s a life-changing experience”. It shakes your core beliefs even when you don't really think about it. It’s interesting to see how different the experience it’s for adults and children, as the impact on the little ones it’s even more powerful. Parents are often reluctant to introduce children to this wonderful activities because they don’t really think that they can learn from these experiences, and I’m here to teach you exactly why you should do it.

Teaching small children the importance of doing something good for others is vital because it helps them see there are people who live in different situations and circumstances. This is especially crucial for children under 5 years, as during this period is when they learn how to bond relationships with others. During infancy, they structure the way they see the world, and it helps them create a healthy sense of empathy and understanding in the conditions of others. It’s part of what will shape their behavior once they grow up, as it will introduce them to the fact that others are in need, and that sometimes, small gestures can be incredible for someone with a different condition of life.

But charity work doesn't happen only in institutions, as they can learn the importance of charity through other means, as you can find situations where someone else might need support everywhere we go. These are great opportunities to explain to them how our actions can impact others in a good way. For example, if your child knows the mailman is coming on a hot day, it might be a good idea to teach them to offer a bottle of fresh water for them to hydrate during their routine. But what other ways can they participate in volunteer work?

  • Helping the elderly at nursing homes: Sometimes, children visiting these places can cheer up elder members of society. It also gives children endless love as they often form bonds with the patients, which resembles the relationship between grandparents and grandchildren.
  • Smalls acts of kindness: Like the bottle of water mentioned above, involving children in charitable work with small actions it’s great for them. Giving small children the task to have these expressions of gratitude it’s a way to prepare them for their future out in the world.
  • Write or draw for soldiers: Deployed soldiers revel in the smallest things, such as children’s drawings or letters. Let them know the importance of communicating and being thankful for the protection of the military corps.
  • Set up a donation date: Donating things they don’t use it’s great because it shows them the importance of being self-conscious, as well as the value of things. It also helps them create a physical detachment from things, which will be very valuable in the future.

Are you teaching your children about charity work? Remember that it can transform the way you can see the world, and it will help you raise well-adapted children that will stand out because of their own personalities. In Autism Soccer, they work with children with special needs that are also active when it comes to helping others. It’s vital for you as a parent to introduce them to activities that make them feel more productive and participative in the world, and this organization is the way to do it.
Working with people in need teaches children gratitude, and the gift of giving. 

Facebook: Autism Soccer
Instagram: Autism Soccer
Twitter: Autism Soccer

Wednesday, January 25, 2017

3 Tips on How to Become a Super Parent

Improve and work your way through your children's talent.

Parenting is not easy. In fact, being a parent is one of the hardest tasks anyone could assume nowadays, as it requires helping other human being become model citizens of the world. You are the force that will shape your kid's personality to reach their goals, to strive in the dire situations and to be kind and patient with others. But what happens when you have a child with special needs? Does it change the plans? Not at all! For parents with kids with special needs, the challenge is different in the journey, but the same in the end: to help shape the core personality of their child to make them part of the rest of the world in their unique way.    

What’s a super parent?
Parenting itself is a challenge, but when you transform yourself into a super parent it’s a total game-changer. Super parenting is about being present in your child’s life, but on their level. Comprehension, attention, and love are the core values of a super parent because it’s more than just teaching them what's right and wrong, it’s about giving them challenges and techniques to face the world on their own. From asking them “what do you think that means?” when they ask questions, to helping them with their homework, but letting them do the job in their own terms. It’s important for parents to know that they are not doing anything wrong, but this particular technique of raising a child is about involving them in the world actively without being pushy.  

These are three basic tips to be a super parent.
  • Encourage participation: Let your child know that they can participate freely in activities they desire, without feeling depressed. But remember, show them the wide spectrum and let them figure out their preferences on their own.
  • Ask questions: Parents need to encourage their child to think, and that’s what super parenting does. These people ask their child questions, let them process and venture their opinions.
  • Create fun routines: Children need to complete routines. In super parenting, you create them in a way that’s both interactive and motivational, helping them create their core personality with strong basis.
Prepare yourself and transform raising a child into a superhero story. Remember that through love and patience you can have them reach their goals in life while creating a bond that will stick with both of you forever. It’s always wonderful to see how you can build a happy environment for both of you by incorporating different things to spice up their life and to guide them in the right direction. That’s why in the activities that you create for them, it's vital to include physical activity, such as the one that they could do at Autism Soccer. It’s both participative and motivational for children, and it helps you interact with your kid in a great way!
Parents should be prepared to be the parents that their children need. 

Facebook: Autism Soccer
Instagram: Autism Soccer
Twitter: Autism Soccer

Tuesday, January 24, 2017

What to do to Boost Your Child’s Appetite

Make your children love their meals. Make them enjoy the experience of eating instead of rejecting it. 

Children's appetite is ever changing. Some days they’ll be more than willing to eat a piece of veggies than others, but other days they’ll be simply ravenous eating everything in front of them. As parents and caretakers, you need to prepare yourself for those moments and make sure that they are always motivated to eat what's on their plates to have the energy to do the tasks that they have to do with a smile on their face. For that, there are some tips that you can implement to ensure that their appetites are boosted to keep them healthy and full throughout the day.

What to do to make that happen? Here are some bits of helpful advice that all parents can take advantage of!

  • Start the day correctly: Breakfast is a must, and you should not avoid it. It works to open their appetite and increase their energy right off the bat. Remember to serve them within an hour after they wake up.

  • Incorporate citrus fruits: Oranges, limes, passionfruits, and strawberries open children’s appetite during the day. Incorporate fresh juices in their diet to boost their cravings for other meals.  

  • Combine their favorites with other foods: If your kid loves chicken and you want to incorporate veggies in their diet, combine bits of the protein with good looking veggies. Omelets are a great option for this.  

  • Add appetite openers to their diet: Children are not prone to eat certain things but some foods like cinnamon, coriander, and such, are great to boost their appetite. Use them to spice up their meals.  

  • Prepare fruit snacks: children love to eat dessert and that’s a fact. The best way to give them snacks throughout the day without spoiling their appetite is by giving them fruits.   

  • Physical activity: Doing some sort of sport is bound to increase their appetite throughout the day, as it drains their energy and their body needs to replenish their storage of proteins and other important elements.  

What are you doing to boost your child’s appetite? It’s important to make sure that children have a healthy menu at hand for them to get the right nutrients for a correct development. At Autism Soccer they encourage parents and caretakers to prepare meals for the children to have the necessary energy to practice sports, as they know their body needs fuel to work efficiently and enjoy any activities!
Create a delicious and visually appealing menu.

Facebook: Autism Soccer
Instagram: Autism Soccer
Twitter: Autism Soccer

Monday, January 23, 2017

How to do Physical Therapy at home

You have to know how to help your children get the necessary physical therapy. 

There are many situations in life when people need to do therapy. It is a way of recovering from certain traumas, both physical and psychological. Therapy uses tools and teaches us how to deal with the things that affect us. We can use it to learn to overcome obstacles that may come our way and to move on and live life to the fullest. There are different types of therapy, each specialized in a particular problem but each of these problems can have various ways of approaching them and tackling them. Many different things are considered therapeutic: some people prefer counseling, letting your feelings out and speaking with someone, some prefer working with animals, visiting different places, or working with a physiotherapist.

Therapy can be used to work on all sorts of problems. There's social therapy for people with anxiety and problems socializing with others. There's physical therapy for those who have suffered some kind of injury, and require help to get their mobility back. There's language therapy, learning skills therapy, psychological therapy, etc.

Most people think that in order to get therapy they need to go to a specific place like a health center or a school. But the truth is that there is also the possibility of doing therapy at home. There are plenty of specialists who will drive to a person's home to help them, and there are many benefits to this, as therapists are professionals specialized in helping others to become fully functional people again. Being at home creates a sense of comfort due to the familiar environment and the presence of family members. In some cases, home therapy is actually better than going to a Health Center. People with anxiety and socialization skills will do much better when they receive this help in a place that they feel comfortable in. Being in a safe place allows them to open up and makes the whole process a lot faster and more efficient. Some people just prefer to do therapy at home since they don't need to go through all the trouble of traveling from one place to another and then back. The Specialist to hire can help you by using the furniture in your house, they can help around with chores and be an extra pair of hands to help around.

We have all heard the phrase “There's no place like home” and there's a reason for that, and I don't mean the movie. Home is where we are most comfortable in, is where we feel the safest. It is where we want to be at the end of the day. Physical therapy is all about regaining strength and getting back to a healthy state of being, there's no place better to do that than home. For the kids of Autism Soccer, physical therapy, after any kind of injury playing sports, it's always better when it's done at home. These kids react better when they are in a familiar and comfortable place. They don't really like it when they have to visit new and strange places. Contact them now!
Pair physical therapy with another type of exercise, such as a sport. For example, soccer or yoga.

Facebook: Autism Soccer
Instagram: Autism Soccer
Twitter: Autism Soccer

Friday, January 20, 2017

Personal Safety: What to Teach Your Children

Teach them how to behave and protect themselves.

When it comes to parenting, there are a few things that come to mind: Nutrition, shelter, education and love at the forefront of the worries of a parent. But there’s another one that although it’s not as pressing or doesn’t pop into their minds right away, it’s one of the things that causes more preoccupation for them: their personal safety. Truth is that most of the children are naturally friendly, and are not as wary of the world as most of the adults in the world

This makes them easy targets for people with bad intentions towards them, and it's a constant preoccupation in the back-burner of their parent’s minds. For that you need to prepare them ahead, to give them the tools to prevent harm from other people in every way possible. But sometimes it might seem harder than it looks like. So, what are you teaching your children to keep themselves safe? These are a few tips that you can use for that! Let them know that this is important for them, encourage the application of this in every step of their lives:

Prepare information: Telephone numbers, address, name of their parents, workplaces and such are great bits of information that your child needs to know in order to be safe. Why? In case something happens to them they’ll know where to find you! You can put a plastified card with that coded information in their clothing.

Trust in their instincts: There’s a survival method that has kept humans alive for the expanse of their existence on earth, and that’s instinctive behavior. Sometimes, children can pick up easily subtle behavioral cues that can help them be safe in dangerous situations.

Speak up their concerns: If something doesn't feel right, let them know it’s ok to voice it over, and make sure that it’s not dismissed. Children can be expressing their feelings to you, and as you know how to interpret them, you can pick up odd behaviors that need to be changed to keep them safe.  

Control their emotions: Children that have a high control in their emotional responses are more calm in stressful situations, and this might be the difference between safety and danger. Prepare them and let them know that when they are calmer, thoughts come more easily.

Wariness above all: Parents think that strangers are the only ones that can harm their children. In fact, there’s a great percent of kids that are hurt or taken by people that they are familiar with. Let them know that if they don’t feel safe or comfortable, it’s ok to tell you. In some cases, this makes a huge difference.

Create safety system: Some stranger might lure your child telling them you are in danger. And they will go willingly with them most of the time. Prepare them ahead for this situation, create a safety system where only one people can pick them up in case you are delayed, or something. Use a card of a special sign for them to identify in those cases.  

Preparing your children to be safe whenever you are not around is great for them. It will increase their chances of getting away unscathed in case of dangerous situations. The knowledge works as well as a booster, increasing their self-confidence and creating a sense of independence that will accompany them throughout their lives. To keep this behavior and helping them create bonds with strangers in a controlled setting, why don’t you take your children to Autism Soccer? They have great alternatives and practices to help your kid build lasting bonds with other people!
Talking to strangers is a huge risk for small children. Teach them how to prevent problems when it comes to it. 

Facebook: Autism Soccer
Instagram: Autism Soccer
Twitter: Autism Soccer