Thursday, August 31, 2017

Preparing for Parenthood: Why is it Important?

You're about to take a big step in your life, so be prepared for it responsibly. 

When you first attempt to get into the parenting world, you prepare to expect the unexpected. Deciding on bringing a life into this world means knowing you’re about to be responsible for someone else other than yourself. The big question now is: why preparing for parenthood is so important?
For a life so fragile, having it all set up beforehand makes the difference. They need you at all times, and more than that; they need you to be ready to look after them. Here are some details you should prioritize:

1.- A place to sleep

While it is a feasible option to have the baby sleeping in your bed, it is not a recommended thing to do. The risks range from overheating to choking the child. Co-sleeping is better suited for more experienced parents.
Your best choice is to opt for a Moses basket close to your bed, or a cradle if possible. Bear with the fact that you need to add comfy bedclothes to cover either of your choices. Having baby sleeping bags is a plus, or you can rather use blankets instead.

2.- Clothing

This is the point where parents tend to overdo it a little. A fair piece of advice: Do not buy excessive pieces of clothing for the baby. The main reason is that children grow at an astounding pace, so all these cute-looking clothing will end up being unused.
Regarding size, there are three options: “tiny baby,” “new baby” and “0-3 months”. The best choice is the medium, “new baby” sized clothing.

3.- Feeding

Breastfeeding should be your primary source of nutrients for the baby, but it is also better to have bottles for when the transition takes place (between the first 6~12 months). The American Medical Association advises not to stop breastfeeding the baby until a prudential amount of time.
If you’re willing to go for bottle-feeding, you’ll be needing a stock of bottles, sterilizing equipment and a formula according to the size and weight of your children. Make sure your baby likes it, but have different types of bottles in a case.

4.- Diapers

Diapers are essential, just as simple as it sounds. Whether you want to be environmentally friendly or just prefer disposable ones, both do the job just fine. Just like in the clothing section, be careful with buying too many diapers (again, babies grow incredibly fast).
Cloth diapers are by far, the most useful alternative to these two. However, they require a wash after being used. If you need to save some money in other expenses, then these are your option to go.
Remember to buy diaper sacks and the essential baby wipes; you’ll regret not having them when the time comes.
No matter how much you prepare for that big day, you’ll never be a 100% ready for that baby who’s about to come. Given that fact, it’s still useful to investigate and have a plan (if you’re here, then you are working on that already) for when that special day comes.
In the end, seeing your baby for the first time will make all this planning worthwhile. It is a moment you will never forget, and it will mark the start to another level of parenthood. Get ready, for a new life is born.
Embrace your children as gifts life has given you. They come so you can teach them and learn at the same time.

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Twitter: Autism Soccer

Mathematics and Special Needs Children

Teaching the basics to your kids can be hard at first, but special needs children catch on quick. 

There are necessary signatures taught in the pre-kindergarten that are the pillars for the growth of children. From interactive games to assisted learning, the spectrum these tools cover is determinant for the kids' development in their future. Ensuring quality learning environments is essential for the preparation of children as they reach elementary school.
As they reach school, the difficulty and demands increase with the addition of new subjects like science, reading, spelling activities and social studies. The pressure increases progressively as the children reach higher grades than before. Mathematics are present from the very first class for children.
Math comes off as an easy task for autistic children as they focus on their spatial skills. When facing a math problem, certain patterns of their brains activate, specifically in the region used for face processing. Their way of processing those challenges is more sophisticated than their peers.
In their process of solving mathematical problems, most of them just use the conventional procedures for solving the problems, but some children use a strategy known as decomposition, a complicated process to solve math problems by breaking the problem into a set of easier arithmetic questions.
There’s also a misconception related to the IQs of special needs children, mostly because they show average results in the test, and these results are not compared to their capabilities. The mistake of those results is because children with autism have a different way of using their brain, and most of the requirements of an IQ test are based on verbal comprehension and reasoning.
Children with autism might lack certain skills non-autistic children have, but this doesn’t mean they don’t excel in other areas. They are accomplished by developing and improving their behavior with the effort and support from their parents. Autism Soccer is aware of the capabilities special needs children have; their goal is to make them grow while teaching them fundamental soccer skills. Contact them to get assisted by this team of experts.
Mathematics develop rationality and logic reasoning in children.

Facebook: Autism Soccer
Instagram: Autism Soccer

Wednesday, August 30, 2017

Qigong Sensory Treatment

This is a safe yet effective way to treat certain characteristics autistic children have.

Alternatives might seem to lack in the treatment of autistic individuals, but it is entirely the opposite. Today, several organizations have done their research and offered a way to help children with this disorder grow as individuals. One of these alternatives is the Qigong Sensory Treatment(QST), a touch-based treatment to this disease.

How does QST work?

Qigong Sensory Treatment is based on practices used in the East for more than a thousand years. The method consists of massage sessions of 15 minutes each, which reduce and control aspects of autism. The key to success of this treatment is through parent and children bonding.
Due to the factors that characterize autism, children are distant and avoid contact with their parents. It grows to the extent of rejection and withdrawals become more frequent. Children simply don’t want close physical contact, causing social skills to delay in the long term.
Qigong Sensory Treatment focuses on recovering these ties through parent touch, which is why there’s a lot of potential in this treatment. In a two-year period, these massages helped children connect and develop a sensitive reach towards their parents and others as well.

Parent’s Involvement

This organization offers training options and volunteering for the sake of helping others. Once you’ve finished the training, you’ll be capable of assisting your children with QST and instruct others in it. If you’re not interested in becoming an instructor, you can donate and support the cause.
Whether it is via acoustic treatment or therapies, there are several ways you can help children with autism. By doing research properly, you might find the option that will reach out and help your loved one.

Autism Soccer is on the look for children who require that little extra support to carry out their goals. They’re capable of assisting and teaching the basics of soccer and the development of necessary skills. Do it for their future, contact them!
The organization behind the development of this treatment offers courses so parents can treat their children by themselves.

Facebook: Autism Soccer
Instagram: Autism Soccer

Parents Need a Specialist

Therapists can help you as a parent and aid you in the process of releasing pressure and stress.

There’s one thing that needs to be recognized about parents in general: The amount of effort they put into their children and the way they sacrifice their personal time just for their well-being and development. Parents do this and even more without expecting anything in return, in the hope for a better future for their children. Parents have the hope that the next generation gets the chance to be better than they were.

In the process of raising special needs children, the efforts need to be greater and more time is required as they demand lots of attention. The truth is that this can be overwhelming for any parent, causing stress and creating a tense situation at home. Children are not to blame for this: their development disorder makes them behave the way they do and as a parent, you know that. At this point, it would be wise to accept the fact that you’re in need of guidance and help to deal with this process.

Therapies in the family are actually very common in both special needs children and those that do not have this disorder. Do not think for a second that this makes you a bad parent (whether you’re new or not at being a parent) for not knowing how to deal with this yourself, look for experts to get an assessment in raising your children and ways to deal with stress by yourself.

The advice therapists often offer to parents with autistic disorder is to avoid looking for someone to blame: pressure and stress can cause parents to look for someone to get angry with, creating more complications than the ones that were in the first place. Staying calm when your children are screaming or in distress is not an easy task at all, and most of the problem comes because of the lack of options to solve the situation itself. That’s where stress walks in.

The responsibility to stop this cycle is yours and no one else’s, but make sure you’re under control of the situation at all time. Remember, there will be people willing to help you out in raising your children with special needs, like the ones of Autism Soccer. They have been working with autistic children for years now, make sure you check their website and contact them to get assessment.
After various sessions, you'll realize how much you have improved on the matter.

Facebook: Autism Soccer
Instagram: Autism Soccer

Tuesday, August 29, 2017

When Your Children Gets Sick

Give them their space but keep an eye on how they're feeling. Depending on the disease you might want to consider sleeping close to them,

There’s nothing worse for you as a parent to see your children go through difficult times and feel like helping your children feel better it’s just out of your reach. Like any parent who loves their children, you want them to have the best life conditions and give them all the protection you can from anything that could do them harm.

But what happens when you just can’t avoid your children getting sick? Diseases are everywhere: one moment your children are alright, and the next they start to cough or show severe headaches. In their growth, children are highly prone to get sick and no matter how many measures you take (like raising their defenses with vitamins), the chances are that your children will get a lot of diseases during their growth.

In cases like these, the only thing you can do is help them ease the pain and treat them accordingly. Special needs children are very sensitive and getting sick affects them differently, you need to be careful depending on the illness they’re recovering from.

Of course, the first and more important thing you need to do is to get them to a doctor to get the medicines for the treatment and guidelines to follow back home. If the doctor recommends the children to stay to get treatment in the hospital, do not have second thoughts and follow the instructions. They are the experts when it comes down to diseases and how to treat them.

Special needs children and specifically autistic disorder kids can get stressed when they’re ill, but that’s understandable, and you must give all your support to them and hope the treatment does the job. Until they’re healed, do not expose them to outdoor situations and be strict about the schedules of the medicines. After they are completely cured, you can let them out to compensate all the time lost. If you’re willing to create a healthy routine for your children, access to Autism Soccer’s website and learn how soccer can improve your children’s life. Contact them for more information.
Wait for your children to fully recover, there's no rushing here. They need to be completely cured in order the feel at ease.

Facebook: Autism Soccer
Instagram: Autism Soccer

Muteness: A Silent Speech Disorder

Diverse factors could cause muteness in early stages of growth. Diagnosis of muteness is quite complex regarding the sources of the disorder.

Often, children are born with conditions that pose a challenge in their early growth and late development. Autism, for example, is part of these conditions that are lifelong and require early intervention.

Today, we’ll discuss another disorder that’s not related to the spectrum, but affects children’s growth in all aspects: Muteness or mutism, an inability to communicate that’s more common than you think.

Mutism is a childhood condition that affects children’s capability to speak, causing them to be silent and fail to speak. Selective mutism is another name given to this condition, to differentiate it from children who are not physically able to speak.

Selective mutism is often associated with an intense fear to engage in social environments that lead them to close up and avoid communicating. But if it’s a case where children can’t talk, it’s a considered a case of Aphonia, which is the complete inability to produce any sound.

Children who suffer from selective mutism are shy and avoid being surrounded by strangers or in unfamiliar surroundings. But that’s not all; they also tend to suffer symptoms originated by social anxiety. It leads specialists to think this could be either a part of diagnosed anxiety or a disorder on its own.

You can tell when a child is suffering from selective mutism once they’re at home. That’s where they feel comfortable and calm, and they can communicate and express emotions as usual. Once they are outside their comfort zone, they switch and shield feelings behind fear.

If you want to be sure you children suffer from selective mutism or not, here’s a list of traits of this condition:

  • They are unable to speak in specific places such as school, social events, and gatherings.
  • Their inability to speak affects them on their environment, showing difficulties in academic scoring and making friends.
  • They can communicate as usual in environments where they feel safe, like their own home or when surrounded by people they trust.
  • Eye avoidance and lack of social engaging are notable in them, as well.

Early intervention is essential for the treatment of this condition, which is why you should see a therapist to guide you and assist your children. If you need your kids to work on their social skills, then you can count on the team of Autism Soccer. As a non-profit organization, they focus on children who need extra support in their early development.
Sign language became the solution to communicate with those who can't speak. It is a set of gestures that represent specific letters or words. 

Facebook: Autism Soccer
Instagram: Autism Soccer
Twitter: Autism Soccer
15165 NW 77 Ave Suite 1005 Miami Lakes FL 33014

Monday, August 28, 2017

Dyslexia: Truths and Misconceptions

Dyslexia is a disorder that hampers the reading and understanding of written language.

No one is born skilled in this world. The moment we come out, we are like sponges at first; absorbing every bit of information we are shown. As we grow, we develop more sophisticated skills and get used to them rapidly, but for those born with a learning disorder, it’s entirely different.
Dyslexia’s a disorder that affects reading in general. Those who have it face an actual challenge to read accurately, which affects their reading comprehension and writing. Contrary to what’s believed, children with dyslexia are as skilled as any of their peers and happen to have a full vocabulary too.
The problem comes when they are asked to read and extract information. The dyslexic children limitations and struggle reside in reading as they find it hard to learn written contents, making every word a challenge itself. To understand what they’re reading, they need to take longer lapses of time and often require re-reading to understand and learn.
Moreover, parents and teachers tend to confuse dyslexia with lack of attention and intelligence, causing children to be wrongly understood. To help them, we brought up some truths and myths about dyslexia.
Myth #1: If you’re smart and do well in school, there’s no way you are dyslexic.
True: Dyslexics are very intelligent and tend to perform great at school. If approached and identified their condition early on, they can be provided with tools to demonstrate just how smart they are.
Myth #2: People who are dyslexic can’t read.
True: Dyslexia isn’t a reading disability, it’s a learning disorder. Dyslexic individuals find it hard to read, but they’re perfectly able to do so.
Myth #3: Dyslexia is a visual condition.
True: Children can have a visual problem and reverse letters and words without necessarily having dyslexia. Changing letter is neither a sign of dyslexia nor a visual problem.
Myth #4: Dyslexia can be cured.
True: This learning disorder is a lifelong challenge. It can be treated early on but not cured. By giving children the proper accommodations in both house and school, your kids will have a positive effect on their future.
It’s important to break these myths and assist both children and parents into knowing to differentiate what’s real and what’s not. Early diagnosis has proven to be determinant for dyslexics as it allows them to have a better understanding of their condition.
As a parent, you always want to give them the best and see your children grow nicely. Whether they have a learning disorder or autism, it is your responsibility to look up for them at all times. Do you seek for a place that cares for your children as much as you do? Autism Soccer has that and more! Access to their website and see their labor for yourself.
It was believed that dyslexia and low intelligence were related. But children with dyslexia are as smart and capable as any other.

Facebook: Autism Soccer
Instagram: Autism Soccer

Thursday, August 24, 2017

Robison: An Example for Autistic Advocates

The life of John Elder Robinson was full of struggles and hardships due to Asperger and society's misconceptions. He even dropped out of high school but found, later on, an opportunity in the music business.

Every movement or initiative requires an individual as an example to follow. That individual must represent the ideals and will of those who take part of the initiative. Not for personal realization or for a popularity goal, but to raise awareness. Autistic self-advocates are not scarce, but today we’ll talk about an active member of this initiative:
John Elder Robison.
Robison was born in Athens, Georgia, in 1957.  He is the author of two books: Look Me in the Eye (2007), a memoir that details his life as an undiagnosed Asperger’s, and Switched on (2016), a chronicle of how TMS changed his life. Added to that, he’s best known for the creation of the special effects the band KISS had in their guitars in the 70s.
In his early years, he was a loner. He spent most of his childhood in solitude, unable to make any friends. His parents often took him to different therapists, and he was sent to several schools in an attempt to understand what the problem was.
The social disability of Robison was taken as a rebellious attitude, and he was soon labeled as a “misbehaving student” and “lazy”. By the tenth grade, he decided to drop high school. The answers arrived much later in his life but turned out to be essential in the decisions he made afterward.
Robison could tell he had a problem to reach and understand social environments. It was by the late 1980s that he quit his job as a manager at a Boston electronics firm. He was tired of feeling like he didn’t quite fit. After that, he got into mechanics. Fixing cars played a big role in his life, as he found himself immersed in the world of machines.
This is where J.E. Robison Service became a successful business. Robison specializes in motor car work for Mercedes, Jaguars, Land Rovers, Rolls-Royces, and many other cars. His company became widely popular across the nation in customization work and restoration. Customers from all parts of New England pay a visit there just to get their cars pimped by him.
After meeting a therapist that visited JE Robison Service, he was told about Asperger’s Syndrome. That day Robison’s life changed forever, and after that, he would never be the same. With that understanding, he became aware that he couldn’t just stay doing what he used to.
In 2007, he published Look Me in the Eye. The book discusses his life as an individual who lived the autism spectrum without being aware of it. The book was an instant bestseller that propelled him to become a voice of autistic individuals. Autism opened the door for awareness.
Today, he leads initiatives in favor of autism investigation. His main concern is to improve the life quality of those who have this condition. It’s a gift to have someone like Robison working day and night towards the rights of autistic people.
Ask yourself if you’re doing at least a little to help those who need it, and if you’re not, there are many ways to support the community! You can help nonprofit organizations like Autism Soccer by donating or spreading the word. Remember! You’re doing it for future generations. Be an example people will look up to!
Robison continues to work hard in support of autistic individuals and, as an Aspergers' himself, constantly stands up for their rights.

Facebook: Autism Soccer
Instagram: Autism Soccer