Friday, April 28, 2017

The Bright Side of Special Needs Children

Things happen for a reason, this is an opportunity for you to learn.

Life is often challenging in every process of growth: no matter your age, difficulties are common because they’re natural processes and you must learn from them. As a parent of special needs children things might look complicated at first, but with time and assistance from specialists, you can learn how to deal with any complication and how to help your children in their difficulties.

There will be moments where you’ll be thinking “how different things would be if my children wasn’t autistic?”, and that’s very understandable. Maybe you’ll start to compare your life with the life of other parents or even try to imagine you were in their shoes. There’s nothing wrong with doing that. But you need to remember something: the moment and situations you’re living are your own life now, and how you decide to look at the things that happen in it.

Looking at the bright side of things is not something you’ll achieve in an instant, it’s something you need to work on daily, by experiencing different situations. If you want to change the way you look at things, the changes will have to start at your home. Little things that used to stress you out will be just a blurry memory, and the hard times will only serve as a way to strengthen your bonds with your couple and children.

Don’t worry if you’re labeled as “too optimistic” or “excessively positive” for seeing your children as a blessing. Not everyone understands the beauty that is being the parent of autistic children, that love you have can only be understood by those who are surrounded by them.

Change always comes from the inside, and when it starts it can only get better for you and your loved ones. Look for those little things (good or bad) life puts in your way as lessons to make you and your children’s lives better. Things won’t be looking nice at all times, but it depends on you to find lessons in those experiences. Autism Soccer has been working for years with children with autism disorder, try contacting them to create a space for them to grow comfortable and happy.
After a while you'll get used to this and things that seemed stressful now will be in the past.

Facebook: Autism Soccer
Instagram: Autism Soccer
15165 NW 77 Ave Suite 1005 Miami Lakes FL 33014

Thursday, April 27, 2017

A Positive Influence for Awareness

Be the example, show others how much this initiative means to you.

The awareness month is coming to an end, but that doesn’t mean the activism towards special needs children ends as well. On the contrary, it’s the perfect chance to improve in the upcoming months and to look for ways to reach others into this initiative. This is not only a responsibility of parents alone: every little action you can do to support the cause is useful. An autism-related post on Instagram, sharing a Facebook invitation to a march and even talking to your neighbor about autism works.

The importance resides in doing what you can and feel will help to bring awareness to others about the complications Autism Disorder pose to children and teens on society. It is true that nowadays it is hard to encounter or see someone who doesn’t know about this condition but is also a fact that despite knowing, it’s not comprehended. Children are still the victim of bullying in school: this is very concerning and has negative effects on their inclusion between non-disorders.

Not correcting those attitudes creates an environment of discomfort in children and teenagers: they’re not the ones to blame for being the way they are. The problem resides in the lack of empathy from their peers originated from not fully understanding the condition itself. If you’re a part of the people who think could help this condition to be understood, try your best and reach them.

In the end, it’s not about changing the world: one person can change their environment and be a positive influence in the autism initiatives. Also, you need to be aware that not everybody is willing to understand or develop empathy towards autism children. Do not let this discourage you from trying, though. Organizations offer different ways to help children deal with this disorder, like Autism Soccer. Their initiative goes around sports to help children develop the necessary skills for facing the future as individuals. You can access their website for more information about their programs.
Use the social media, reach for organizations, ask for support, but never cease trying.

Facebook: Autism Soccer
Instagram: Autism Soccer

Wednesday, April 26, 2017

3 Stories of Autism from Autistic Children

These stories are a way of understanding how it's like to be an autistic children.

Children with disabilities don’t have it easy in facing the challenges of growing up: this process can be quite difficult for them, especially when they have a hard time to communicate with their family and even intimate friends. Autism spectrum disorder children have problems to communicate what they want and feel, and a child who manages to express their feelings is an accomplishment to be recognized. Here are some stories from those who managed to express themselves and how autism influenced them:

1.- Awareness from an autistic child
The story of a 12-year-old child with the disorder that feels felt left out by his friends who didn’t understand why he was so “different” and why he never enjoyed sports like they did. After coming up with a pretty original idea to bring awareness for autism awareness month, he accomplishes one of his goals and his friends end up understanding what being an autistic child meant.

2.- A speech on how it was to grow up as an autistic child
Paul Morris, a 26-year-old man with autism decides to speak at the Science Foundation’s 5th Year Anniversary Celebration at the Yale Club, in New York city. Most of his speech goes on about the challenges he faced as a child with the disorder and what he’s doing today to help in the community.

3. – A comedian’s look of the autism spectrum
Michael McCreary’s life changed when diagnosed at the age of five, but as a child, he didn’t care much for that. He kept on playing with his toys and enjoying life as a kid. The only ones that felt the difference were his parents and friends. But Michael always had the passion for talking about what he liked and disliked in a way that made anyone who listened to him, smile and laugh. When his parents suggested that he documented these experiences, he noticed, much later, that these could be his first steps as a comedian.

All these stories have something in common: how those children managed to grow with this spectrum disorder and how they made it with the help of their parents. These challenges are not easy at first, but with the guidance and care from the family and friends, the difficulties are reduced. If you want to help your children out, make sure you contact the best people to get it done, like the ones at Autism Soccer, they are prepared to raise and educate your children in sports, contact them!
There's no better way to understand special needs children than hearing autistic disorder stories.

Monday, April 24, 2017

Dissociative Identity Disorder on Children

Children who have suffered early traumas in life, can trigger this personality disorder.

Children minds are very fragile in their early stages and due to the fact that this is the time when essential skill are developed, measures must be taken into action to keep an eye and check if things are going they way they should. But we are still far from fully understanding what factors trigger different types of disorder like Autism, Asperger or even dissociative identities.

Imagine the brain like a car and you’re the one who’s driving, and then, with no permission and all of a sudden, you’re taken out of the car and someone else takes control of it. After you recover the car’s control, you’re not able to tell what that other person did when in control: Dissociative Identity Disorder is, to put it in context, about losing control.

The DID is a mind disorder characterized by the presence of more than one distinct personality or identity, and each of those takes control of the person’s behavior for a different lapse of time depending on the situation. Causes of this disorder are due to early trauma, abuse and strong situations lived in childhood. The mind looks for a way to erase these awful experiences and in order to protect the brain when being under abuse: it just shuts off and tries to get away from the situation. In most of the cases, children who were harmed or had a terrible experience usually cannot stand being in that moment.

Dissociative Identity Disorder in children starts presenting when personalities switch and take over. After an episode of switching, the children might not remember anything that happened when another personality took over. This, added to the fact that the personalities do not have a characterized known pattern, makes it very difficult and dangerous to control the children’s behavior.

Children’s young brains are not capable of dealing with complex situations and to defend themselves, they shield the person by dissociating (more like spacing out) them while other personalities appear. This disorder is actually not so common in children, and as it is very recent, (its first diagnosis and documentation were back in 1980) little is known about how the mind splits itself.

It’s impressive how the mind seeks to protect the early brain from anything that might damage it. If you as a parent are aware of the risks your children could be exposed to, avoid the situation and stay within a safe zone. Protect them and always search for ways to help them improve and deal with their problems, seek advice from experts like the ones of Autism Soccer. Contact them to start today.
This is a very complicated disorder that needs continuous checking and support from specialists.

Facebook: Autism Soccer
Instagram: Autism Soccer

Thursday, April 20, 2017

5 Signs of Depression on Your Children

There are phases in the growth of every child that are natural and are easy to overcome: the first scar from playing, that first fish your children used to have and died, crying because you had to move out, among others. All those are common and almost every child goes through them with ease.

Now, depression is something else, entirely. As it turns out, children with autism disorder are very likely to have depression. Children are not in the capacity to deal with depression, no matter the causes.

The problem with depression in autistic children is that the symptoms can hide under the characteristics of autism, making it hard to tell. Follow this guide to know signs that can tell your children are in a state of depression:

Look for the sudden changes: If your children start acting even more withdrawn than normal, or the mood swings are more often than normal, you are facing autistic children with depression.

High functioning autism: children who have a verbal disability are at more risk of depression, as they feel like their companions are able to communicate easily and they’re not, making them feel isolated and lonely.

Pressure and bullying: If you notice your children are particularly off after school or acts weird, there’s a high probability that your children are a target of bullying in the school. The problem with bullying is that your children will feel under a lot of pressure and won’t know what to do, making them feel depressed and impotent.

Change of routine: Autistic children work under repetitive patterns and it’s never a good idea to switch their routines. Messing with their schedules can severely harm them. At first, it’ll look like it doesn’t affect them, but deep down it does.

Maturity: After turning 10 to 12 years old, comes a time of changes in their organism. This process can affect their mood immensely, causing the beginning of teenage depression.

These are not absolute signs for detecting depression: remember all autistic children have a set of characteristics that are very different from one child to another. If you feel that your children are showing off some of those, don’t hesitate and go see a doctor to check on them.

A good way to fighting off depression is by practicing sports in a safe environment, with the team of Autism Soccer. They are a non-profit organization that is in charge of helping your children develop the skills they lack and help them grow. Contact them for more detailed information.
Don't let things stay that way for long, look for your therapist and do something about this situation instantly.

Facebook: Autism Soccer
Instagram: Autism Soccer

Wednesday, April 19, 2017

How to Become a Cyber-Parent

Checking on blogs and social media about what's common is a way to stay updated about the tendencies in young children.

In order to keep a safe control of what your children are doing, you must be vigilant and prepared. Being a parent is letting your children know that they’ll be okay and no matter what happens, you’ll be there for them. There are some things that might go out of your hands somehow, like the internet and how your children interact with it.

To be able to keep up with the way internet works, you need to stay informed of how young children use it and which networks they tend to use. Also, you must watch out for strangers on the internet that might want to take advantage of your children’s disabilities.

The point of doing this is to watch over your children and make sure they’re not accessing inappropriate websites or exposing on the internet. There’s a limit for this too, you can be logged in at all times. Talk with them before allowing the access on the internet: explain the risks of the internet, how he must stay out of risks. You’re a parent, not a security camera, and you must trust your children in this.

A parent who knows how to navigate through the internet will be able to find information to stay updated about special needs children. It’s important to investigate everything you can to be prepared for anything that might happen related to your children’s autism. It’s not necessary to be an expert in computers: with basic knowledge of how the internet runs, you have it covered.

With the internet as your tool, you have a positive tool for helping your children out when they need it. But try not to rely too much on this, as most of the information could be false and mislead you into making a mistake. Remember to look for the experts in the matter to get assistance if you feel lost. You can count on the experts of Autism Soccer, to make your children forget about the internet for a while and practice some sports. Contact them for more information.
Allow them to have their space on the internet, they're children and their identity must be developed in order to have a solid self-esteem.

Facebook: Autism Soccer
Instagram: Autism Soccer

Tuesday, April 18, 2017

Musical Instruments To Start

Instruments like the flute and the keyboard are nice options for special needs children. They won't have a hard time learning to play any instrument.

In the world of musicians, the requirements for being a successful artist are talent and love for what they do. Any known singer or band must be aware of the impact their compositions will have on people in general. The music can touch and relive experiences like nothing else does: they have the power to make people join their minds into singing along and feeling the melody echo through their souls.

Learning to play an instrument may not be as easy as it seems, but in the end, it’s nothing more than a process of continuous practicing on a daily basis. Special needs children are all about patterns and repetition, so learning to play any instrument might be a hard habit to develop, but with the passage of time it’ll end up being easy and your children will end up loving the instrument itself. Also, they’ll end up developing cognitive and communicational skills that a learning experience can bring.

If you as a parent feel like trying to teach your children to play an instrument, you must remember to think about your children and know which difficulties they might have. To prepare your children for this you’ll want to start off with some of these options, as they are the best gateway to a new musical experience for them:

Keyboard: In general, learning to play the keyboard has its difficulties at first. This instrument requires the capability of doing two different things at once. The benefits of learning this instrument are great for children in early stages of growth, including special needs children. Autistic children might find it stressful at first, as anything new takes them out of their usual routine. Be slow and patient but never cease trying, and you’ll have a keyboard player in no time.

Guitar: This instrument shares a characteristic with the keyboard and that is the required coordination it needs to be played and mastered. The positive part of learning this 6-string instrument is that your children will have a better capability to carry out tasks that require hand and mind coordination.

Steelpans: A percussion instrument made for those who play in orchestras or bands, it’s also known as steel drums. This type of drum it’s not that difficult to play as it doesn’t require much coordination at first, your children might find it fun to play and with some guidance, they might actually master it.

These instruments shouldn’t be hard for your special needs children to learn, and all of them will help in the development of skills they might be lacking at first. The experience of learning will also lead them to meet people with the same interests, allowing them to open up. The effects of music in children have a strong impact on children instantly and in the long term, creating a healthy habit in the process.

Remember, your children need to interact with others in order to be able to face life on their own, try and put them to play some sports in the meantime. Autism Soccer has the team made just for special needs children, don’t have second thoughts about it, contact them.
After your children master the instrument chosen, you'll see how good they are at learning the art of music.

Facebook: Autism Soccer
Instagram: Autism Soccer

Monday, April 17, 2017

4 Books for Guidance in Autism Behavior

These books offer guidance and ideas that parents have followed to help their special needs children.
When looking for clues to help your children out as a parent, you’ll try everything that’s in your hands to help and aid your children in developing the skills they lack. That’s something you do, not because of your responsibility as a parent, but for the love you feel for your children.

Trying to understand some attitudes in special needs children can be somewhat challenging, and things can be even more complicated because of the lack of communication. But luckily, thanks to research and people’s interest towards autistic children, there are some tips to help you and your children out. Here are 4 books to help yourself and your children in this challenge for understanding and growth:

1001 Great Ideas For Teaching & Raising Children With Autism Or Asperger’s: Expanded Second Edition by Ellen Notbohm and Veronica Zysk.
This is a must have for any parent, teacher, or individual who cares and loves special needs children. The book contains 1800 ideas to aid yourself in parenting and teaching. It’s very well organized and contains a table of contents to guide you in the reading.

Thinking Person’s Guide To Autism Edited by Shannon Des Roches Rosa, Emily Willingham, Liz Ditz, Carol Greenburg and Jennifer Byde Myers.
This book contains several essays written by contributors from the autism community. The book consists of stories written by autism parents about their personal experiences with autistic children. There are even stories written by autistics personally, who put their feelings into words so autistic children can be understood, as well.

The Child With Autism At home & in The Community by Kathy Labosh and LaNita Miller
This is a personal book on how to make things easier for caretakers, parents and special needs children. This guide is segmented into two parts that contain advice on how to deal with certain situations that happen at home, related to special needs children.

Ten Things Every Child Wishes You Knew by Ellen Notbohm
The title might fool you at first, but it actually contains ten chapters about every single thing related to raising your children. The advice this book contains is actually not autism-based, making this book perfect for parents in general.

Nowadays, with tools like these, parenting doesn’t need to be stressful as it used to be. There’ll be hard times and some uncomfortable situations, but with these books at hand, there’s nothing to be afraid of, start reading and learning more on autism. If you need help or guidance, in the preparation of your children for any communicative environment, trust them to the people of Autism Soccer, they have the best soccer team for autistic children. Give them the chance to make your children better for their future, contact them.
Try those ideas and see how positive their effect is on your children.

Facebook: Autism Soccer
Instagram: Autism Soccer

Friday, April 14, 2017

Mother’s Love: The Value of Caring

A mother's love can prove to be the answer in opening their channels of communication. Don't give up!

As a parent, you are aware of the meaning of caring for someone else more than yourself. Your children are the world to you, they’re the light of your days and you’d do anything to protect and to give them a bright future for their dreams to come true. There’s a kind of love that goes beyond this and that is without a doubt: the love of a mother for their children.

How come this bond between children and their mother is so strong? There is a 9-month period that says it all. Studies have shown that after the first months, the mother develops a mental bond with the baby that’s growing inside. Imagine what it’s like for a mother who loves their children to feel like she can’t do anything about them, the helplessness of not being able to understand what’s going on. Autism makes the first years of any marriage a very complicated and delicate situation and sometimes, even you as a parent feel like you’re not doing enough for your special needs children. The reason is mainly because they don’t give positive responses and are very withdrawn about their feelings in general.

If you notice the changes in the behavior of your children and you’re aware of the meaning of the characteristics autistic children have, you’ll surely know this won’t be an easy task for you nor your husband or family members. There might be times where discussions around the topic will increase and silly fights will somehow become bigger than they actually are. In these moments, you have to be patient and think of your children and remember it’s not their fault, they were born that way and they deserve to be loved the same.

Eventually, the tensions and fights will cease and the storm will just stop. After managing to get a treatment adjusted to the necessities of your children, you’ll have succeeded into embracing your children’s special condition. This is the power love has in mothers, not anyone can love their children more than they do, they might as well be the main reason for awareness to even exist.

Nothing is more important than the care you give to your children, and if you actually do want to try all you can, you should contact the people of Autism Soccer to get a greater improvement in their communication skills. Do it for their happiness and for a better future for them.
To love them is to set them freem don't try to control everything they do. Try to relax a little.

Facebook: Autism Soccer
Instagram: Autism Soccer